Cover Contest Spotlight #8

kiigari stands, aiming her bow towards the left, looking very concentrated. behind her a sunset is shining, lining everything is warm yellow light. text reads: "kings of sorts episode 2" "jacki @crabbng" "cover by victory @bronzeflower"

BACK AGAIN!! with a gorgeous cover from bronzeflower on tumblr! original post here

i love love LOVE the painterly feel of this one. so very cool seeing all the little strokes going into making up the full picture, a lovely effect. beautiful setting sun lining everything with light…. i love it THANK YOU for this lovely entry

there’s only one more week of kiigari entries! which is good, because i’m becoming worse and worse at posting them on time… at least now they’ll be up on the site for people to peruse. i’m happy to be able to archive these because they really are lovely. and im pretty sure i’ve said this, but its so cool to see people entering multiple contests, and watching as their art changes and improves… you love to see it

anyways. as was the case last time, i have two bon pics that will be featured in the BATTLE DAMAGE zine! an anthology of ppl getting beat up, there’s some mini prints as well and maybe some secret stretch goals if we get there 😮 check it out [here]!

a promo image for Battle Damage: a beat 'em up anthology. green circle shape with text reads: "KICKSTARTER". text reads "BATTLE DAMAGE: a mini artbook zine". in the back there is a split image. first half is a lava form bon, you can see his bones through his lava parts and his eye is messed up. second half is a very bloodied bon, looking very pleased and licking the blood coming out of his nose.

other reminders: kos ep 11 is starting dec 24th! the kos 3rd anniversary <3

also a reminder to check out the store!

Cover Contest Spotlight #7

a beautifully crisp cover submission from Gael ! gael_in_mood on ig !! [original post] go give them some love

i just love how clean this is, it’s got sort of thick lineart like how kos usually is, but is WAY cleaner than kos turns out haha. and i love the matching fluffer and kiigari eyes, wonderful, WONDERFUL!!!

ALSO a heads up that i have two bon pics that will be featured in the BATTLE DAMAGE zine! an anthology of ppl getting beat up (we love to see it), there’s some mini prints as well and maybe some secret stretch goals if we get there 😮 check it out [here]!

a promo image for Battle Damage: a beat 'em up anthology. green circle shape with text reads: "KICKSTARTER". text reads "BATTLE DAMAGE: a mini artbook zine". in the back there is a split image. first half is a lava form bon, you can see his bones through his lava parts and his eye is messed up. second half is a very bloodied bon, looking very pleased and licking the blood coming out of his nose.

other reminders: kos ep 11 is starting dec 24th! the kos 3rd anniversary <3

also a reminder to check out the store, the trick or treaters got a lot of the charms, but there’s still some available!!

Cover Contest Spotlight #6

TWO!! LOVELY COVERS from @m_art_i on twitter! i love the simplicity of these, makes sure you concentrate on the most important thing (our beloved kiigari). the silhouettes especially, i love them (and fluffer… looks rly cute so you know im here for that lol)

original posts: [1] [2]

i decided these would work better as blog posts, which is why this is here and not with the pages.

i’m still working on ep 11! it’s!!! coming! i have decided though. episode 11 WILL start on Dec 24th (KoS’s 3rd anniversary) whether i’m completely done with it or not. mostly likely updates will be small until i’m certain i will finish.. before it does lol.

other note is that: stuff is still in store! and i’m planning on putting the cheap charms out for trick or treaters, so if you would like one, plz go check out what’s left! [here] there are also plenty of ep 10 and ep 1 reprint books left, but only 3 outfit tomes! do check out the store if you haven’t already.

Cover Contest Spotlight #2

TWO!! entries from toxic-lucky on tumblr!! kiigari looks GREAT in both! i love the “I’m better than you” pose in the first one, and the glowy red spots on their face in the second are just *chef kiss* BUT… most of all………… LOOK HOW FLUFFY FLUFFER LOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna bury my face in that woof

ep 10 is ending on webtoon and tapas today (when this was originally posted), so now we’re all up to date! i’m still working on ep 11, but i think you’re all going to quite like it when its finished <3

Cover Contest Spotlight #1

kiigari sits on a tree, looking somewhat contemplative. text reads: KINGS OF SORTS EPISODE 2, JACKI @CRABBNG. cover by: Tobias Valentine"

(I decided these would be better as blog posts than as with the comic pages so i’m moving them here, thank you for your understanding)

FIRST KOS COVER CONTEST SPOTLIGHT!!! from the very first contest. i love this kiigari sm, made by my very lovely and talented friend TOBI! you can find him here: 
i just love how peaceful but also vigilant they look. if that makes sense lol

anyways, i’m doing what i said i’d do. posting cover contest entries whilst kos is on break. not exactly sure when we’ll be back but. i’ll let u know when i do. also, i’ll likely have books tomorrow, so they’ll be available for online order saturday most likely. 

also also it’s hana’s bday tomorrow!!! wish him a happy birthday in whichever way you see fit. 


it’s my beautiful boy’s birthday!!! so happy for him.

but the actual news is: i got the box of books i shipped back from SPX! so, books (and other things) will be going up for sale online TOMORROW! around noon CDT.

there’s 9 outfit tomes left so if you want one…. grab one.

also a note, there’s like 5 of the ep 6 and 7 books left so if you want one of THOSE, do grab one.