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episode 12, page 33

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aren't i funny? aren't i just the most hilarious little jokester ever? enjoy my top drawer humor.

anyways YAHOO YIPPEE it's the 5th anniversary of Kings of Sorts! way back in 2019 I started posting KoS pages to Tapas? I think? or maybe tumblr first? idk it's been 5 years, I can't remember. now look at us. we have our own website, we have a wiki, we have an extras subdomain and a store subdomain, we have a discord. I have a completely different job, I bought a house. I've met so many new and fantastic people through webcomic-ing. I did conventions, traveled abroad for the second time in my life, first time as an adult, had to get a passport. my art has grown in ways I didn't expect, comparing the pages now to those original pages is so wild. we have come a ways.

but most importantly we have YOU! thank you for reading <3 here's to 500 more years of KoS

scanned marker and pen drawing. Hana and Bon stand together, each making a heart with one hand. Hana is dressed very colorfully, Bon is dressed like a punk. underneath it says "thank you for 5 years."

it's your LAST DAY TO JOIN IN!!! more details [here], but, all you need to do is:

  • go to the KoS store
  • add the giveaway item to your cart
  • and use the coupon code '5YEARS' to get free shipping!
  • and if you create a fanwork for the anniversary using the theme of STARS, you can get an additional charm! for free! see details [HERE]!!!


panel 1: Marek crosses his arms, complaining: "you know, Hana. if you spared me just a fraction of the grace you extend to that terrorist friend of yours- I think we'd be able to see eye to eye on this." Marek sits up and glares harder, continuing: "enlighten me. how has a man with a body count in the thousands earned more good will than me?"
panel 2: Hana looks away, not meeting Marek's glare. Marek continues: "or perhaps he didn't feel inclined to share that particular detail with you."
panel 3: Marek's glare softens just slightly, and he continues talking: "well. why don't I enlighten you on why Riannoc is held as he is now. maybe then you'll rethink your attitude."
panel 4: Marek continues: "it started, as it so often dow, with an overpowered magic user." A stylized version of Bon, appearing as a skinny black shadow with an evil grin, is shown in the background, a magic circle around his hand. Marek continues: "his mother did her best to ensure he was using it responsibly, but every attempt ended in failure. even gentling couldn't hold his power back." The stylized Bon is shown looming over his mother, who is on the ground, holding one hand up defensively.
panel 5: Marek continues: "for this he was seen as a revolutionary figure amount magic users in Arsanaig. their own "King amount witches." The stylized version of Bon is shown in front of a stylized black blob crowd. now the magic circle is more of a halo, or a crown, behind his head.
panel 6: Hana raises an eyebrow, asking: "...a king?"
panel 7: Marek shrugs, replying: "of sorts." Hana looks at the viewer with a flat expression.

6 thoughts on “episode 12, page 33


  2. He said the thing!

  3. It’s only been five years? Wow!


  5. Hana looking directly at the camera XD

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