it’s my beautiful boy’s birthday!!! so happy for him.

but the actual news is: i got the box of books i shipped back from SPX! so, books (and other things) will be going up for sale online TOMORROW! around noon CDT.

there’s 9 outfit tomes left so if you want one…. grab one.

also a note, there’s like 5 of the ep 6 and 7 books left so if you want one of THOSE, do grab one.

Episode 8 Kickstarter!

the KOS Ep 8 print version is going on KICKSTARTER! the prelaunch page is up now, go check it out and sign up to get notified when it launches!! which will be 01Nov2021!


I’m very excited about this, I haven’t tried kickstarter before but i feel like it could be fun!! (and more organize than preorders haha)

here’s a quick rundown of the different tiers and such:

Episode 8 PDF
PDF Book
Episodes 1-8 PDFs
8× PDF Book
Lore PDF
Episode 8 Physical Copy
Physical Book
Lore PDF
Episode 8 Preorder Pack 1
Physical Book
Lore PDF
Aoife Riding Charm
Episode 8 Preorder Pack 2
Physical Book
Lore PDF
Aoife Riding Charm
Pillow Charm
Episode 8 Preorder Pack 3
Physical Book
Lore PDF
Aoife Riding Charm
6× Pillow Charm
Full Series Pack 1
8× Physical Book
Lore PDF
Full Series Pack 2
8× Physical Book
Lore PDF
5× Riding Charm
6× Pillow Charm

NO my titles for the tiers are not very creative but hey… they’re relatively descriptive.

the stretch goals will be:

$550 – Aoife Pillow Charm unlocked
$600 – Hana Pillow Charm unlocked
$650 – SECOND Hana Pillow Charm unlocked

and speaking of pillow charms here are all the final designs:

and add ons will be available (if i’ve done everything correctly..) so here’s all the available addons:

$1 – PDF
$7 – chimken pin
$7 – pillow charm
$9 – riding charm
$10 – baby pin
$11 – hana pen charm
$11 – lava bon charm
$29 – book

I THINK THAT’S IT!!! please click the button to get notified when it launches!! cause that will make ME happy and it will make YOU happy when you know u will not miss out. the KS will be open for 30 days, so ends on 30Nov2021. <3 <3


wow big news! store is on here now! we’ve got everything kos in one neat place now (for the most part). as you can see on the side bar, there’s a little featured product there for you to check out. i know i never announce product properly so. hopefully having that will let more ppl know what’s actually in the store lol.

edit: ALL THAT BEING SAID it is new, so if there are hiccups, please let me know and i’ll do my best to fix them

speaking of which, two things were added! you can now buy the little hana pen charms (there’s not a whole lot, may do preorders for more later) and chicken pins!! aren’t they cute.. so those are the two featured items right now.

also now available in store are the extra Ep 5 print vers. and lava bon charms left over from preorders! so do go check those out as well.

in fact.. check out the whole store!!