Very excited about these, DO GET ONE IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY!!
Kings of Sorts
fantasy/sci-fi webcomic by jacki crabbng
Very excited about these, DO GET ONE IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY!!
the KOS Ep 8 print version is going on KICKSTARTER! the prelaunch page is up now, go check it out and sign up to get notified when it launches!! which will be 01Nov2021!
I’m very excited about this, I haven’t tried kickstarter before but i feel like it could be fun!! (and more organize than preorders haha)
here’s a quick rundown of the different tiers and such:
NO my titles for the tiers are not very creative but hey… they’re relatively descriptive.
the stretch goals will be:
and speaking of pillow charms here are all the final designs:
and add ons will be available (if i’ve done everything correctly..) so here’s all the available addons:
I THINK THAT’S IT!!! please click the button to get notified when it launches!! cause that will make ME happy and it will make YOU happy when you know u will not miss out. the KS will be open for 30 days, so ends on 30Nov2021. <3 <3
IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING! unfortunately three of the pillow sets are already claimed but! there’s still the fourth set that will be given to a random preorder pack order!!! so they can still be yours.
preorders available are: 6&7 double preorder pack, 6 preorder pack, 7 preorder pack, just 6 physical copy, just 7 physical copy, 3 part tera standee, LED tera standee, bon standee and baby pins!
this has been a LONG TIME COMING thank you for your patience and thank you for your support <3