episode 12, page 16
oof ahh his weak spot, being valued..
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panel 1: the Maighstir loops an arm around Hana's shoulders and gestures as if trying to get him to imagine something. Hana is just looking at her nervously. Maighstir: "they'll write about you in the tomes of history.. a great scientist and inventor. someone for children to look up to.
panel 2: the Maighstir continues, off-screen: "someone who was put down by society, but rose above it. you would be honored and respected. and you would deserve it." Hana looks away, troubled.
panel 3: the Maighstir casually shrugs. Maighstir: "and what is the cost? people who would toss you to the curb without a second thought? people who already have?"
panel 4: the Maighstir looks at Hana with a false fondness. Maighstir: "you could be loved, Hana. treasured and cherished by billions."
panel 5: the Maighstir is tilting Hana's chin up as she finishes. He's crying a little bit.