episode 1, page 3
panel 1: the Maighstir walks out of the throne room doors.
panel 2: she's joined by two creepy masked figures, asking her: "what would you have us do, Maighstir?" She looks ahead, not really caring about them.
panel 3: the Maighstir responds (off-screen): "Prepare a basbeo." A man, a basbeo, is shown. he has cracked blackened skin, with lava seeping through the cracks. a thick metal collar is around his throat.
3 thoughts on “episode 1, page 3”
His first appearance!
So nice to read it again after such a long time. I’m in awe of your art since the beginning! <3
The Maighstir exits from a large double door into a hall that curves out of sight.
Two figures in red robes and white masks appear at her side.
BOTH FIGURES: “what would you have us do Maighstir?”
Cut to another figure, with large eyes and dripping markings in orange on charcoal skin. The figure wears a metal collar with symbols on it in the same orange color.
MAIGHSTIR: “prepare a bàsbò.”
I’m writing these as i read through the comic for the first time, so for now i’m assuming that “maighstir” is a title and the characters name is Cu.
i appreciate you writing these up so much..
Cu is actually a part of her title, but i refer to her as just the Maighstir a lot, so this is perfect!!