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episode 11, page 12

chaar could really use a break tbh. wonder where she's going off to.


panel 1: chaar pumps her fist, trying to pump herself up. her pangolin pumps its fist (as much as it can) as well. there's some cute big dogs napping with another pangolin in the background. chaar: "but a- a morning ride will- will help clear my head!"
panel 2: chaar opens a metal bar door and a large wooden door. she looks grim. chaar: "I just... need to get out of the city for a while..."
panel 3: the outside of abigh! a big stone wall with houses peeking out the top. the castle is built into a mountain on one edge of the city, looming over everything else. it looks like its turning to autumn here. there's a dry field and a farmhouse outside the wall.
panel 4: chaar hops onto her pangolin! up its next to settle on its back.
panel 5: chaar sits on top of her pangolin. chaar: "okay, let's ride."

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