BIG THANKS TO LEA V.T. FOR THIS GORGEOUS ENTRY!!!! THE LINES!! THE FABRIC!! THE REACHING FOR EACH OTHER!!! the robo bunny……… so cute… i love how dreamy this is. legit got emotional from aya being stuck as a hologram, unable to really interact with the real world, or as a robot, unable to connect to her ai self and really function…….. EMO HOURS HERE…….. but in the best way
the entries were so lovely this time around, i loved seeing the interpretations of a character we don’t really know that much about! warms my heart.. aya was actual the MC of a comic i made and scrapped years ago so its SOOOO heartwarming to see her get her day in the sun like this… the time you took out of your lives to draw my girl… i really do appreciate it <3 thank u to all who entered. i will be sending you all the Ep 11 book version PDF as soon as i get it finished!!
There WILL! be a kickstarter for this one! though its still under review. should be ready by Feb 23rd, and then it will begin March 1st! i will be making another post when that gets fully approved so y’all can sign up for notification on launch!
some teasers for you………..