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episode 12, page 42

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Chaar's worst nightmare... making her mom mad

Across the Universe

Space's vast reaches make for just as vast an adventure!

- Thunderstar is about a sassy goth girl space pilot and her high-strung engineer who go on a quest to save the pilot's boyfriend from an evil cult and uncover secrets along the way.
[Thunderstar Webtoon Mirror]

O Sarilho
O Sarilho
- In O Sarilho, an alien gets shot in the face four times and for some reason that starts a war!
(points) my friend makes this! it's quite enjoyable. i really like the way it utilizes the webcomic medium, and if you like characters being sympathetic but doing terrible things.. congrats! you will love Nikita. i enjoy him because i really do feel for the guy, but he is committing war crimes without much care it seems. also i designed an outfit for his bf! which i very much enjoyed how it came out.



panel 1: Aoife raises her eyebrows, interested but not alarmed. Aoife: "what if you don't have magic?" Dr Tcholl waves their hand dismissively and says: "oh- everyone has some!"
panel 2: Aoife, now very much alarmed, looks at her hand and says to herself: "e- everyone?" Dr Tcholl is continuing in the background: "if you are a rare case that lacks the necessary output to power the insoles- I do have options with magic built in- though you'll have to come back to charge them."
panel 3: Aoife's face darkens. Aoife: "so... if I use these.. and they work... that would mean I had magic.." Chaar and Dr Tcholl look at her, confused. Dr Tcholl replies: "y-yes, I suppose it would..?"
panel 4: Aoife pauses for a moment, touching the necklace her siblings made for her. She looks to the side, almost hesitantly. Aoife: "well! my mother wouldn't like it..." She perks up, full of determination. Aoife: "which means I should do it! I'll take a pair!" Chaar panics in the background.
panel 5: Chaar continues to panic, nervously saying: "I- I didn't mean to get you in t- trouble with your mother!!" Aoife's back is turned to us. She responds bluntly: "she needs a reality check anyways."
panel 6: Aoife frowns and points at herself with her thumb. Aoife: "I'm not going to let her prejudices rule over MY life."
panel 7: Chaar pauses for a moment, considering the possibility of not listening to your mom, quietly remarking: "huh..." Dr Tcholl and Aoife talk in the background. Dr Tcholl: "I would suggest our general comfort pair, our simplest design." Aoife: "y- yeah, that sounds good.." Dr Tcholl: "let me get you sized!"
panel 8: Chaar and Aoife, followed by Bon and Baby, walk away from the insole stand. Chaar is nervously playing with her fingers. Aoife nonchalantly walks with her new bag of insoles. Chaar: "s- so.. you're really not worried? going against your mother like that?"


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