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episode 12, page 15

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she had a point for a second there. sort of.

okayyyy what have i got for you this week..
puffer and clarissa KS has been funded! hooray! but there are many stretch goals to unlock, so check it out if you like gay girls and oceans
scanned marker and pen drawing. puffer (left) and clarissa (right) give each other a big hug.

and [here] [here] and [here] are vetted campaigns from Palestine that could use donations if you have a few dollars to spare



panel 1: the Maighstir points at Hana, continuing from the last page: "you're making me the machine that will drain these fools, and power hundreds of thousands of galaxies."
panel 2: she continues: "it will need to be scaled down, of course-" Hana interrupts her, looking disturbed. Hana: "that- that's terrible!!"
panel 3: the Maighstir holds Hana's face in her hands. Maighstir: "little pet... think about it. what has this world given to you?"
panel 4: the Maighstir wraps her arms around Hana, talking into his ear, as flashes of his past are shown behind him. Maighstir: "pain.." we see Hana as a kid, with bloody gums from growing in sharp teeth. "loss.." we see Hana, still young, staring in horror at bodies in bags on fire. "isolation.." we see an older Hana, sitting alone on top of the observatory, looking at the moon and stars. "despair.." we see Hana hunched over inside the door to him home, gripping his head and crying. "so much that you can't remember most of it.."
panel 5: the Maighstir puts a finger under Hana's chin, tilting his head up. Maighstir: "think about your potential out there. you could revolutionize the universe. right here.. right now."

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