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episode 12, page 11

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lore stuff. enjoy! maighstir said FUCK science, i dont need to know how it works lol, i just need to know how to exploit it

also it seems like both of you did not know that magic isn't (?) real.

anyways. quiron. its like iron but quirky. or quarky.


once again plugging gazafunds.com ! every bit helps


also, since it's been a while, here's a couple pages that may be interesting in light of this:

maighstir has been collecting "old tech".

maighstir has been collecting powerful magic users for her "rehabilitation facility".

tera thinks she's doing experiments on them there.



panel 1: the Maighstir smirks. Maighstir: "excellent. I just LOVE that little necklace."
panel 2: she turns from Hana, preparing to start her villain monologue. Maighstir: "now. how DOES the floating city float?"
panel 3: Hana replies nervously: "uh- magic?"
panel 4: the Maighstir thoughtfully places a finger on her chin while dismissing his reply: "pff- maybe to the people here. but I think we both know "MAGIC" isn't real." she does finger quotes for "magic".
panel 5: she starts her monologue in earnest while Hana looks at her, mouth open and very confused. "the rst of the universe runs on this.. material. 'quiron'. strattling the line between physical matter and pure energy. on its own, useless. difficult to collect. impossible to generate artificially."
panel 6: she continues as Hana continues to stare at her. Maighstir: "but- utilized with technology- normal matter, fundamental interactions, the very forces which shape the universe, we can bend to our whims."
panel 7: she continues: "the science behind it is boring and I never cared to learn it- the POINT is. there are universal laws for the "ethic" mining of quiron. unfortunately, these mehtods do not provide the quantities required to power the universe."

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