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episode 1, page 2


panel 1: the King gestures, making his verdict. King: "Very well. Determine its usefulness, then either subdue it and bring it to me, or eliminate it."

panel 2: he continues: "I entrust this task to you and your 'hounds' Maighstir. Take care of it, quietly." The Maighstir smiles, as her ex-girlfriend and nemesis, the Priomh, glares at her. Maighstir: "of course, my lord. And what of the decree suggested, my Lord?"

panel 3: the King outlines his decree as the Maighstir walks out of the throne room, looking pleased. King: "Yes. Put on the record that there will be a great reward for the surrender of those who are suspected of investigating any technologic ruins. Anyone found with related artifacts shall be brought to the castle for judgement."

4 thoughts on “episode 1, page 2

  1. Transcript:
    We see the king’s back, his face to Maighstir Cu.
    KING: “very well.
    determine its usefulness.
    then either subdue it and bring it to me
    or eliminate it.”
    A side view of the Maighstir, a pale elf with dark hair beside her.
    KING: “I entrust this task to you and your ‘hounds’ Maighstir. Take care of it. quietly.”
    CU: “of course, my Lord”
    Maighstir Cu walks past the frame, the King and the other elf in the background.
    ELF: “and what of the decree I suggested, my Lord?”
    KING: “yes. put it on record that there will be a great reward for the surrender of those who are suspected of investigating any technologic ruins.
    anyone found with related articles shall be brought to the castle for judgement.”

    I know the “pale elf” here has a name, but it hasn’t been revealed at this point so it doesn’t feel right to me to put it in the transcript. And i don’t know how Cu’s position in panel 3 ought to be transcribed, so feel free to correct me if i did it wrong.

    1. this is great, thank you for typing it up!!

  2. this looks really cool! It looks like it was done on paper if it was could you show your process? i can only do art on paper and I’ve been thinking about doing a comic for awhile now that would be cool but of to binge read more of this gorgeous comic

    1. yes it is all traditionally done! here’s a little peek into the process i made a while back https://extras.kingsofsorts.com/comic/webcomic-day-2024/

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