whoooaaaaa buddy calm down
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panel 1: Tera turns away from Bon, frowning. Tera: "well- don't do it again, okay? just stay where I can see you." Bon gives her a salute, and a: "you got it, boss."
panel 2: Tera turns to face Bon again, frowning harder. Tera: "I'm not trying to be bossy... but it's important everything is done RIGHT!"
panel 3: Tera counts on her fingers as she lists: "our appearances must be in perfect order and our timing exact! to arouse the least amount of suspicion!" Bon interrupts: "I know, I KNOW-!"
panel 4: He then more calmly turns his back to her and puts his hands behind his back. Bon: "so you gonna tie me up or what." Tera pouts angrily in his direction.
panel 5: They sit against a brick wall together, Bon's hands ARE tied behind his back. They both seem to be calmer. Tera: "I noticed you were pretty careful not to promise Baby you could come back." Bon: "once she gets Hana back, she won't even notice I'm not around. it'll be fine."
panel 6: Tera looks to Bon, half concerned, half scolding. Tera: "Do you honestly believe that? or is it just an excuse?"
panel 7: Bon gets pretty pissed out of seemingly nowhere. Bon: "how about you take that judgey tone and shove it up your ass?!"