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episode 1, page 1

hi! welcome to my comic. a few little points of note:

1) hi :)

2) there aren't transcripts regularly until Episode 11. the pages that do have transcripts earlier were ones i have used recently for comic promotions and so.. wrote an image description for. i'd like to go back and transcribe all of them but.. there are a lot (it'll happen eventually)

3) i'm in the middle of re-lettering Eps 1-4, done by Krispy of Ghost Junk Sickness and Lunar Blight fame! So, that's why those look different.

4) for Episode 3 and onward, the dialogue is handwritten, just so you're aware of the switch.

5) the wiki has pronunciations for character names in case you're curious

okay bye!! hope you enjoy!

Maighstir cù ~ Hound-master


panel 1: the Maighstir walks into the throne room towards the king. we only see her legs. the king (mostly off-screen): "Maighstir Cu. do you come with news?"
panel 2: the Maighstir kneels before the king. we only see the king's boot. Maighstir: "yes, my lord. rumors of a creature by the town of Jeworwon, in the western mountains. living in the city inside." The King responds: "the western mountains..."
panel 3: the king ponders. his eyes are off-screen. king: "Then its likely this.. creature can access the city Baile Nan Solais.. perhaps also the technology inside..."

2 thoughts on “episode 1, page 1

  1. Finally started this comic and I love the art style so much!

    1. ☺️☺️ thank you!! hope u enjoy 💕💕💕

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