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episode 1, page 12


panel 1: The Priomh calms down. Priomh: "But back to your lessons. Please do call me out again if I become impatient with you."

panel 2: The Priomh continues: "I should have more patience for my best student!" Tera looks to the side, smiling and playing with her hair.

panel 3: The Priomh walks over to Tera. Priomh: "You've already mastered control of the basbeo, we just need to clean up your form."

panel 4: Tera sort of grimaces as the Priomh continues: "Then you can begin to practice the creation on physical objects."

panel 5: The Priomh, continuing: "Don't concern yourself if you have to go through a few bodies to get it right." She puts a finger to her chin, thinking. She continues: "You have to crack eggs to make an omelette... Or however that saying goes.."

panel 6: A closeup of Tera's face as she nervously listens to the Priomh. Priomh: "But I'll caution you again, The creation of the basbeo is not for the faint of heart."

panel 7: A closeup of the Priomh. She continues: "Do not forget, no matter what you see, this is all in the name of knowledge."

4 thoughts on “episode 1, page 12

  1. oh yeah, who needs moral and conscience when it’s about knowledge!

    1. why is this so tho

  2. Transcript:

    PRIOMH: “but back to your lessons.
    please do call me out again if I become impatient with you.”
    PRIOMH: “I should have more patience for my best student!
    you’ve already mastered control of the bàsbeò, we just need to clean up your form.
    then you can begin to practice the creation on physical subjects.”
    Tera looks down a little.
    PRIOMH: “don’t concern yourself if you have to go through a few bodies to get it right.
    you have to crack eggs to make an omelette
    (or however that saying goes…)”
    PRIOMH: “but I’ll caution you again. the creation of the bàsbeò is not for the faint of heart.
    do not forget, no matter what you see. this is all in the name of knowledge.”

  3. So the elf girl is basically saying if the brown girl kills a few people while practicing “babeo” that’s fine????????????????????????????????

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