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episode 12, page 32

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yeah bruv you sound totally logical here

checking in with the fundraisers we've been tracking. if you have any change on hand, please consider donating!

the BIG giveaway is still on but there's a mere 6 days!!! until the giveaway ends! more details [here], but, all you need to do is:

  • go to the KoS store
  • add the giveaway item to your cart
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  • and if you create a fanwork for the anniversary using the theme of STARS, you can get an additional charm! for free! see details [HERE]!!!



panel 1: Marek continues: "so he kept the country in a state of desperation and terror. from fear, comes compliance. from compliance, comes control. from control, comes peace." a visual of a dark hand over a line of people is in the background.
panel 2: Hana looks at Marek skeptically, as he continues: "but a peace based on fear is fragile, and so he sought a more permanent solution."
panel 3: a shot of the dragon forge green dome. Marek continues: "a machine that would make sure there would never be a magic user powerful enough to threaten him. a way to steal magic from his subjects."
panel 4: Marek leans in for emphasis. Marek: "do you see it?! the glimmer of sanity in this?" He holds both hands up, almost looking a little desperate. Marek: "by regulating people's magic- we can ensure no tyrants like my father are ever able to come to power!"
panel 5: Marek rambles as Hana just watches him, somewhat concerned. Marek: "sure- we've had to resort ot questionable means to gather people here in the capital- but I must consider the welfare of MILLION, not one city or one life- and we've improved upon his ideas as well- if we're successful, we can bring dragons back from extinction! think of the positive ecological impact!"
panel 6: Hana looks seriously at Marek. Hana: "and there are no... ulterior motives? from you..."
panel 7: Hana continues: "or your advisors?" Marek pouts back at Hana.

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