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0 2017

episode 12, page 45

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the perfect toy! call me makeship, to make CapyHana a reality for us all

also notable, just cut down a tree behind my garage. i am the woodsman. (it was partially cut down but like.. really high up? it was weird. but it's gone now)

also hey big shoutout to Curli of Aster and the Fire fame who gave me some good tips on how to color Tera so that her expressions are more visible! go check out her comic for a depressed, failed chosen one, future-time mechanic who is just trying. she's just trying to make it out here. and YET. a sexy crime woman appears. her sexiness is not really relevant, that's just my opinion. and i think she's like, a little evil, but personally i'm okay with that.

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panel 1: Aoife triumphantly yells "aHA!" while reaching for a plushie. Baby looks on with big, sad eyes.
panel 2: Aoife shows off her find, a little capybara plushie. Aoife: "how about this little guy! he kinda reminds me of Hana!" Baby starts crying again and reaches towards the plushie, crying: "DADDY" with a drawn out 'Y'. Chaar, in the background, is surprised.
panel 3: Aoife continues talking (off-screen): "we can sew on beads for his bridge and ear piercings! capyhana will be so cute!" Chaar looks on in horror as she realizes... Chaar: "H- Hana?"
panel 4: cut to a view of a beautiful blue sky with 2 suns in it. Tera is projecting what looks like a magic clock into the air. Tera: "not too long now. The Priomh has a weekly meeting with the King and the Maighstir- that'll be the perfect moment to pop in."
panel 5: Tera: "LITERALLY!" She laughs very hard at her own joke, pauses, then scowls.
panel 6: She's got her hands on her hips now, ready to scold Bon, who is walking up to her. He's now wearing a misshaped, dirty looking tank top. Tera: "where were you?! you're not supposed to go wandering around town!" Bon looks irritated, but that's normal. Bon: "re- LAX! I just stopped by someone's donation box. that shirt was too nice to keep."

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