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episode 12, page 47

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bonday comic has been moved to the Extras site! so go check it out there if you want MORE sad Bon.

yeah, bon. push those feelings down. he's such a good friend </3

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panel 1: Tera turns to face Bon, holding her hands out because she's making a point. Tera: "I'm TRYING to HELP you!" Bon glares back, sticking out his chin defiantly. Bon: "don't recall ASKIN' you to!"
panel 2: Tera slaps both hands over her eyes, exasperated. Tera: "AUGH! you're so FRUSTRATING!"
panel 3: they sit in silence for a bit, facing away from each other, both looking angry.
panel 4: Tera doesn't look at Bon, but starts talking again. She looks more sad than angry. Bon looks to her, sort of surprised she doesn't sound angry. Tera: "you're adamant about not leaving here.. when you said you'd go to see my aunt with me... was that just a lie?"
panel 5: Bon first looks surprised by the question, then looks down, clearly very guilty about making Tera feel bad. He then steels himself, and looks back up, emotionless.
panel 6: Bon responds. We can't see his eyes, only his mouth. Bon: "I mean, yeah..? duh. I was just telling you what you wanted to hear." Tera looks at him, surprised and hurt.

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