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episode 12, page 36

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Hana says don't trust the government

it's once again time for SF comic of the week!!

Seek and Ye Shall Find

We all seek something... and in our attempt we often find, but not always what it was at the outset.

The Quest of Casey Tailor
The Quest of Casey Tailor - The Quest of Casey Tailor is about a kid trying to save his baby sister who was kidnapped by a fairy, he has no idea why though and when he runs into problems at the royal palace seemingly there are more questions then answers.

Clover and Cutlass
Clover and Cutlass - The daughter of an orc warlord falls for a girl her family wants dead. If they can't stop her parents from ending the world, how's she ever gonna ask her out? WE LOVE GL COMIC!!!!!!!!!! WITH ORCS!!!!!!

Prophet of the Sun
Prophet of the Sun - Prophet of the Sun is about a selfish loser trying to dodge the consequences of making a deal with the devil. WE LOVE A SELFISH LOSER!!!!!!!! if you enjoy Bon, you will probably enjoy Borvyn, so there's that.

checking in with the fundraisers we've been tracking:


panel 1: Hana continues off-screen: "I'm not mad at you, Marek. I'm actually glad we talked, I feel like I understand you better." Marek looks shocked by this.
panel 2: Hana looks down at the floor sadly. Hana: "and I do believe that what you told me about Bon did happen. he told me as much."
panel 3: Hana looks up, determined. Hana: "but- maybe it's because I'm naive- I can't help but suspect there's more to it than that." He shrugs, frowning. Hana: "you gave me a nice, clean-cut story with heroes and a villain. but it's never that simple, is it..."
panel 4: Hana continues, off-screen: "I want to hear what happened from Bon." Marek glares at Hana. Marek: "oh- so you'd trust a killer more than me?!"
panel 5: Hana glares back, yelling: "yes! I would! you can't make me feel bad about that!"
panel 6: a wide shot, showing Hana and Marek on their opposite couches. Hana looks sad again. Hana: "I'm glad we talked but.. it really hasn't changed anything. besides confirming I really can't trust you. so. can I leave now?"
panel 7: Marek pouts, almost looking genuinely upset. He then frowns, not meeting Hana's gaze. Marek: "FINE! yes-" He makes a shoo-ing motion with his hand. Marek: "go.. get back to work immediately."

2 thoughts on “episode 12, page 36

  1. I get the impression he’s not used to people being this honest to his face…

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