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episode 1, page 25


panel 1: Chaar looks disturbed by whatever she sees beyond those large doors. The Maighstir (off-screen): Welcome to my kennel."

panel 2: Hana and the basbeo are sitting on the glass dome still. The basbeo, exasperated, says: "OKAY. LISTEN this time..."

panel 3: Basbeo: "Some 'creature' is gettin' inside the guts of this mountain." He makes quote marks with his fingers.

panel 4: He continues, pointing at Hana: "My best lead so far is either it's YOU- or it's someone you know."

panel 5: He raises up his hands threateningly, with a slightly crazed look on his face: "So! If you don't want your life to fall into RUIN-"

panel 6: His face drops into a scowl again: "Just tell me what you know."

2 thoughts on “episode 1, page 25

  1. he his simple he just needs DA FACTS

  2. and are the pages brighter than normal or is it just me i can barely see the blue sky and now my eyes hurt imo

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