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episode 12, page 43

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Kings of Sorts should have been called Talking About Moms. nothing to read into there, i don't think.

in other news: the first 43 pages of Ep 1 have been replaced with newly lettered ones! Big thanks to Krispy from [Studio Cartridge] [Ghost Junk Sickness / Lunar Blight] for that! the rest of Ep 1-4 will be updated throughout the year. when i feel like it.

in other other news: i also put KoS on Comicfury

SF Comics of the week: A Place in the World

Destiny? Choice? How do we determine our purpose in this world? These stories explore that idea.

Brothers - Brothers follows Brothers and Postmasters Sprout and Oz as they become unlikely heroes after discovering a mysterious magic mailbox.
EXCELLENT comic. so very stylish, and mail-positive. and male-positive. i think. something terrible will befall Sprout, i have no doubt, and i'm very worried about him. Damien has got some weird stuff going on. he's got fun nails though, so maybe it was all worth it. Oz is my favorite and when something terrible befalls Sprout, it'll probably be very traumatic for him too. those are my brothers predictions. also it was just the 3rd anniversary! so now you have to read it. also i did some art for the anniversary, so you have to go look at it. just click the link

True Colors
True Colors - True Colors is about four incoming college students dreaming of a new start at their freshman orientation. But when a room assignment mix-up disrupts their plans, they're forced to reexamine what kind of adults they want to become.
i have only read the first book and man. worried about these kids and their friend group. very worried about Kit and Sonia. Kit is having A Time and Sonia has got some weird family stuff that i just know is going to break very bad.

Kings of Sorts
Kings of Sorts
- characters talk about moms a lot for some reason. and go shopping for shoe insoles. have i convinced you to read yet??


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panel 1: Aoife smiles knowingly at Chaar: "you've got an overbearing mom too, huh?" Chaar rubs the back of her head: "ah.. ha.. is it that obvious..."
panel 2: As they walk along, Aoife puts a finger on her chin, thinking. Aoife: "For a long time, I was really worried."
panel 3: Aoife looks troubled as she continues, not looking at Chaar. Aoife: "worried about not fitting in, or being wrong... about the conditionality of my mom's love.." She turns slightly towards Chaar, still not making eye contact. Aoife: "but then the kids- my siblings- started getting older.."
panel 4: Aoife touches the necklace her siblings gave her. Aoife: "and I started thinking like- god! what if they turn out like me and mom?"
panel 5: Aoife clasps her hand, looking worried. Aoife: "it's so easy to pass on y our trauma.. your fear and hate.. even unintentionally.."
panel 6: Chaar looks down, clasping her hands to her chest as she listens to Aoife. Aoife: "my siblings.. they mean the world to me... more than what my mom- or anyone- thinks of me. I have to learn to be better. for them."
panel 7: Aoife lifts up her bad of insoles and looks at it cautiously. Aoife: "which is why I'm out here, trying not to be freaked out by magic insoles.."
panel 8: Aoife looks away, getting serious again. Chaar listens quietly. Aoife: "I'm pretty sure at least one of the twins will be a user... so I gotta get over this before they show any obvious signs.."



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