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episode 12, page 26

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stòl ~ settle down, become calm/tranquil!

well. it's a time, isn't it.

if you've got some change, why not help out some Palestinian fundraisers?

and the giveaway is still on, more details [here], but, all you need to do is:

  • go to the KoS store
  • add the giveaway item to your cart
  • and use the coupon code '5YEARS' to get free shipping!
  • and if you create a fanwork for the anniversary using the theme of STARS, you can get an additional charm! for free! see details [HERE]!!!


panel 1: Hana grips his missing fingers, tears falling down his face. a doorbell rings.
panel 2: two Preachan pop up. red Preachan: "the King requests your presence." Hana wipes his tears away, before answering: "w- what?! why?" blue Preachan: "right now."
panel 3: Hana throws his hands up, arguing: "you know- I'm not going to finish anything, if I have to stop and wait for everyone to rant at me!" a Preachan interrupts him: "he has chosen an outfit you are to wear." Hana rolls his eyes and mutters: "of course he did.."
panel 4: red Preachan: "dress or we will dress you." Hana gets up from his workbench. Hana: "okay, okay! stòl..."
panel 5: we go back to Chaar, searching through some drawers. Chaar, frustratedly: "not here either... where is this thing?!"

2 thoughts on “episode 12, page 26

  1. the king is doing everything he can to provide fanservice hana stop complaining

    1. TRULY he is doing it for the people 🙏 we all need this

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