Eternally optimistic about the world and pessimistic about his own abilities and potential. A fool with a big mouth which he cannot keep shut. Just wants some friends to care about.
he/him – 27 – 09/23 (23-T2-7023)
refs: [head] [body] [ep 1-2] [ep 3-4] [ep 5] [ep 6 pjs] [ep 7-8] [ep 10-11/2]
BONIC (bohn-EEK)
Described by his mother as “the most despicable, deplorable being to ever befoul this land”. Has done enough to make people consider that accurate. Lava flavored dead man.
he/him – 29 – 03/26 (26-A2-7021)
refs: [head] [pre-basbeo] [body / 2] [ep 1-5] [ep 9-10] [ep 11/2]

Eternally nervous. Skills are due to perseverance instead of any talent. Really wants to believe the castle is only a little secretly evil and is still mostly good. Will be disappointed.
she/her – 28 – 08/30 (30-T1-7022)
refs: [head] [body] [uniform] [ep 2 dress] [ep 7] [swords] [ep 11]

AOIFE (EE-fah)
Somehow got wrapped up in all this. Fears magic but is trying to be cool about it. Loves her siblings more than anything. Tends to be extremely blunt.
she/her – 32 – 01/01 (01-A0-7018)

King since he was seven. Murdered his father at seven. Is definitely cool about it and not traumatized. Makes questionable decisions for questionable reasons.
he/him – 32 – 08/12 (12-T1-7018)
Sometimes a dragon, sometimes a little girl. Really wants to see Hana again, but will settle for Bonbon in the meantime. Likes warm places. Easily portable.
she/they – 4 – 10/20
(hatched 20-C0-7046)

(MAI-shtehr koo) –
KARRERA (KAH-rair-ra)
Wants to make you feel bad. One half of the King’s closest advisors. Ex-girlfriend of the other half. Has many evil deeds up her evil sleeves. Causes problems on purpose.
she/her – 42 – 05/16 (16-D1-7008)
(PREE-ehv dr-OOH-eehd) –
Believes people are there for her to use for research purposes. One half of the King’s closest advisors. Was broken up with by the other half. Tera’s instructor.
she/her – 45 – 12/10 (10-C2-7005)

AJIETI (ah-JEE-eh-tee)
Fun-loving, free-wheeling, good-time-having bard. Plays the hurdy gurdy with gusto. Bon’s friend from happier days. Trying to come to terms with the fact that their BFF really did destroy a country. Unromanceable NPC.
they/them – 27 – 06/03 (03-D2-7023)

character wiki pages are not all currently up to date, sorry 🙁 main ones are though 🙂
info on date formatting can be found [here]