ENDS 3/11!

cover will star your friend you just met: ALMET! and there’s TWO colors this time, choose one or the other or both, they are TEAL and PINK
and i know you just met.. so i’ll put a ref for her here too. hope you will enjoy her as she shows up in episode 6 more!
1) i want these to be easily sourced to the artist so please post it on whatever social media you use, tag me and use the tag #koscovercontest (i’ll be reblogging/rting all of them)
2.1) when you’ve done that please email me a link to your post and the actual pic to [crabbng(at)gmail.com] so i dont miss any! (and also so i can contact you easily if u win!) ***there were a couple submissions last time that forgot this part but please dont!! cause otherwise it’s hard for me to correctly credit people when getting them formatted for print.
2.2) ** NEW ** please also email me the background you’ve made! (just the pic without the character) i’ve been using the backgrounds of the covers for the back cover
3) submit your own work (obvi), multiple submissions are just fine! and if you won last time, go ahead and enter again!
** NEW ** the cover (plus trim) is 8.75’x11.25’ (300 dpi), the end result for the cover will be trimmed to 8.75’x11’ by me, but keep that in mind while deciding on how to design your cover. there are templates available to show you where the title/author/cover artist name will be for the final version, these are just for your reference only! please only submit your artwork. Template can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GCBZB80zON_VEu28RCB3Ct2Vt9s7A8EK?usp=sharing
please adhere to these specs! wrong specs can lead to an otherwise perfect piece not being chosen.
starts now, ends when episode 6 ends, 3/11! so get them posted/emailed to me by then. it doesn’t matter if you send it in earlier or later in the timeline, all will be considered equally
the winner will (obviously) get their pic to be the cover and i’ll send you a free printed copy of Kings of Sorts Episode 6! and whatever is in the preorder pack!! I’m planning out a new standee of bonic, so that may be included!
** NEW ** all entries will receive a free PDF copy of episode 6 when it’s finished!